Here is a list of the most common question we get from our customers. If you don’t see the answer you need here please call our support line at 514.333.6737 (Visit the Service page to find out about our support plans)
When typing in your favourite mail application or text editor, simply press the Esc key after typing a few letters to see a list of possible word endings. |
To zoom anywhere in Mac OS X, simply press Command+Option+8 keys to activate it then press Command+Option and + or - to zoom in or out. These settings can be further managed in the Universal Access area of the System Preferences. |
Quickly Force Open your files
If double-clicking a file doesn't launch the application you want to use, just drag your file over the desired program in the Dock while holding the Option + Command keys to force any application to open any file you like.
Quick Dictionary
Rather than opening the Dictionary application to check on a word, simpy hold down the Command + Ctrl + D keys on your keyboard and hover over any word in your favourite web browser, mail application or text editor to display an on the fly definition pane. |
Multisession burning
If you want to burn a CD and add something to it again later, just check the "Leave disc appendable" checkbox to leave the disc open for another session. |
Forgot a password?
if you have forgotten a password for a network, a website, or almost anything else for that matter, just open your Keychain application in the Utilities folder. Keychain keeps a record of your passwords which can be displayed simply by entering your administrative password. |
How do I convert movies for iTunes?
You can convert your entire DVD collection into the proper iTunes format for playback via iPod video or Apple TV using the software called HandBrake which is available at Please review the online tutorials at as Apple does not support HandBrake, they will support Conversion through QuickTime Pro which is available at |
Using GMAIL with Apple Mail?
- Firstly, enable POP in your Gmail account (select pop and forwarding in gmail to do this).
- Open Apple Mail. Click 'Mail,' and select 'Preferences...
- Enter '' in the 'Incoming Mail Server:' field.
- Enter your Gmail username (including '') in the 'User Name:' field.
- Enter your Gmail password in the 'Password:' field.
- Select 'Add Server...' from the pop-up labeled 'Outgoing Mail Server,' and enter '' in the 'Outgoing Mail Server:' field.
- Enter '587' in the 'Server port:' field.
- Check the box next to 'Use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).'
- Select 'Password' next to 'Authentication:' and enter your Gmail username (including ' and Gmail password. Click 'OK.'
- Click 'Advanced' and check the box next to 'Use SSL.' (The port changes to '995.')
Do you have a question you’d like us to answer? No matter what it is we’ll give it a try. Send your questions to: faq [at] evolutionconcept [dot] com |